Homestead Desinger Doodles Logo

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Hi, I'm Gabriel

Gender: Male
Breed: Mini Poodle
Hair: Red and Curly
Eyes: Brown
Weight: 30 lbs
Nicknames: Gabe
Name inspired by: Angel
If I was a celebrity I would be: Ben Affleck
Family Tree: Purebred Poodle

Personality: This is an incredible boy that never meets a stranger! When you cannot find him snuggling on the couch with his mom, you will find him following her around the house to ensure if at any moment she needs some emotional support he is surely right there. There is nothing that can go on in his household that he will as a whip this one! He is confident and yet sensitive to the needs of others. Super affectionate and loving. Stud Perks: He has been genetically tested and cleared through Embark. Dual registered and certified pedigree through AKC and CKC

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